Why Learn about contracts?


Let’s face it, no one goes through life without having to sign a contract. Unfortunately, most people just sign on the dotted line because they don’t want to read the boring  legalese in the contract.

Now there is Contract Law Simplified, a simple and affordable contract law class in Dallas available to small business owners and individuals in the Dallas/Fort Worth area that will help you understand those seemingly complex contract terms.

Become comfortable with typical contract clauses such as  indemnification, limitation of liability, liquidated damages, venue, governing law, and termination of the contract.

Learn from an attorney with over 25 years of experience drafting and negotiating complex contracts who knows how to explain the complex terms in a simple and easy to understand format.

Why take a class?

Save on Attorney Fees

The more you understand about what you are signing in a contract, the less you will need to hire an attorney to explain or negotiate the contract for you.  Plus, the more you understand, the less likely there will be litigation down the road due to a misunderstanding of the contract terms.


The cost is only $75.00 for a class.

Not time consuming

The class only lasts a day.

Small and Informal

Classes will be in a small and informal setting so you can easily ask questions.

Who should go to this class?

Anyone who signs a contract so they understand what they are signing.  It is also beneficial for small business owners who may not be able to afford a lawyer to review their business contracts.


Will I learn all about Contracts?

This class is designed to go over typical contract terms and what to look for when you are reviewing a contract.  Lawyers take a class that lasts a year when they are studying contracts in law school so no, you will not learn everything about contracts in one day. But, you will have a better understanding about many of the clauses you see in contracts. 

Can I get legal advice while I'm in the class?

This class is for educational purposes only and is not for giving legal advice. The class is not intended, and must not be taken, as legal advice on any particular set of facts or circumstances.

Will I learn enough that I will never need to hire a lawyer?

This class will help you understand most of the typical contract terms which will help you understand what you are agreeing to when you sign on the dotted line.  We will also discuss at what point you should consider hiring a lawyer to negotiate your contract.

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